The Creator

Oct 1, 2023
not a movie review of the creator
I watched The Creator today with a friend. The theatre hall was almost empty, as expected.
Spoilers from here on!
The movie is set in 2065, about the world moving onto AI and robots. Predictably, robots eff up a nuclear detonation in LA and from then on, the West hates on anything AI.
The East hasn't stopped though. They don't actually say East. They instead call it New Asia (and later geographically point to the Indo-Chinese peninsula).
I'll stop here. The plot will be available on Wiki anyway. I only wanted to talk about two things here and not review the movie.
The graphics.
The movie was very good looking. 80 million USD budget. No big name actors. A+ graphics. You wouldn't, at any point, feel that they've held back spending on CGI. Beautiful blasts, gunshots, aerial vehicles, satellite up-close, dystopian cities and robots, of course.
I am pressing over this because there was a movie made earlier this earlier called Adipurush. Pretty much the same budget (actually ~10 million USD higher but we’ll call it even). This movie had actors work on 3D models and the dot array thing for capturing all the subtleties. YET, the end product was graphically so bad, you start contemplating if it was even a movie for adults or just a poorly produced YouTube cartoon for kids.
I diverge. The Creator - graphics gooooood.
The politics.
There was a trend in Hollywood in the 80s, 90s and possibly early 2000s. Movies portraying a Russia/USSR/Soviet Union as the bad guys. This was probably a highly profitable trend? Action movies did peak during this period, at least as far as I'm aware.
Well, this trend has now returned. Except it’s China/PRC this time. This isn't wrong by any means, I guess. It's just that the US always wants to have a beef with someone.
They do shed bad light on the US in this though (for a change). This does seem to be the political direction right now as Russia has its cold war with Europe at present. Guess we'll be seeing more action movies for a while.
NB: I regret that we had Sprite and popcorn for 850 INR(~10 USD) - twice the cost of our tickets. I think the prices are outrageous.

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